*/ require_once("config.php"); $search_group = $texts["photos"]; $active1 = "class=\"active\""; $detail = "image"; $search = $texts["photos"]; if (htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]) == ""){ header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); }else { $_GET["id"] = htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]); } $id = ""; $title = ""; $description = ""; $image = ""; $width = ""; $height = ""; $full_width = ""; $full_height = ""; $author = ""; $keywords = ""; // Shutterstock if (!empty($_GET["a"]) && $_GET["a"] == "s"){ $apiSS = new ShutterstockApi($apikey); $data = $apiSS->detail($_GET["id"]); $data = json_decode($data); if (!empty($data->message) && $data->message == "Not Found"){ header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); die(); } $id = $data->id; $title = $data->description; $description = $title; $image = $data->assets->preview->url; $width = $data->assets->preview->width; $height = $data->assets->preview->height; $full_width = $data->assets->huge_jpg->width; $full_height = $data->assets->huge_jpg->height; $author = $data->contributor->id; $keywords = $data->keywords; // Pixmac }else{ $data = $api->detail($_GET["id"]); $data = json_decode($data); if (!empty($data->errorCode) && $data->errorCode == 404){ header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); die(); } $description = $data->description; $id = $data->id; $title = $data->title; $description = $title; $image = $data->preview_path; $full_width = $data->width; $full_height = $data->height; $sizes = end($data->formats); if ($full_width>$full_height){ $width = 400; $height = ($full_height/$full_width)*$width; }else{ $height = 400; $width = ($full_height/$full_width)*$height; } $author = $data->authorName; $keywords = explode(",", $data->keywords); } if (!empty($_GET["debug"]) && $_GET["debug"] == 1){ var_dump($data); } // téma similar photos se určí podle kategorie videa // if (!empty($data->categories)){ // $category = $data->categories; // $array = Array(); // foreach ($category as $whatever) { // $array[] = $whatever->category; // } // $category = str_replace("/", "+", $array[0]); // $dataSimilar = $api->searchSimilar($category); // $dataSimilar = json_decode($dataSimilar); // // $categories = implode(", ", $array); // }else{ // $category = ""; // } function searchUrl($text){ $text = trim(strtolower($text)); $text = str_replace("/"," ",$text); $text = str_replace(" ","+",$text); $text = str_replace("'","",$text); $text = str_replace("%","",$text); $text = str_replace(".","",$text); $text = str_replace(":","",$text); $text = str_replace(";","",$text); $text = str_replace("@","+",$text); $text = str_replace("č","c",$text); $text = str_replace("++","+",$text); return $text; } if (isset($_GET["download"])) { $pass = $api->purchase($_GET["id"], $sizes->id); $get_pass = json_decode($pass); $image = $api->download($_GET["id"], $get_pass->download_pass); $filename = $_GET["id"].".jpg"; header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($filename)); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($image)); echo $image; exit; } //When empty results for Sponsored searches, drop last word and try again until have some results $SSquery = $title; do { $apiSS = new ShutterstockApi($apikey); $dataSS = $apiSS->search($SSquery, 0, 5); $dataSS = json_decode($dataSS); $dataSS = $dataSS->data; $SSquery = preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', $SSquery); } while (count($dataSS)<2); ?>
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